Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group once said “ Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions, and a healthy dose of curiosity.” When it comes to IT hiring, having the right process in place is essential to finding the ideal candidate. With the tech world experiencing rapid changes and growth, hiring managers often find themselves in a challenging situation to evaluate candidates accurately. One useful tool that can significantly improve this evaluation process is the candidate’s technical portfolio and skills.

This blog aims to provide hiring managers and recruiters, including those using Multi Recruit’s services, with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively evaluate technical portfolios during IT hiring.

 What Is a Technical Portfolio?

 A technical portfolio is a compilation of a candidate’s best work, showcasing their skills, projects, and experience. Unlike a traditional resume, a technical portfolio offers a more detailed insight into a candidate’s abilities, often featuring project documentation, codes, designs, and even live project links.

Why Are Technical Portfolios Important in IT Hiring?

Technical portfolios play a vital role in IT hiring for several reasons and the most important ones being:

  • Demonstrates Skills: Portfolios provide tangible evidence of a candidate’s abilities, going beyond resumes and interviews.
  • Real-World Experience: Projects in portfolios showcase practical experience and problem-solving skills.
  • Quality Assessment: Portfolios allow assessing work quality, including code samples and documentation.
  • Diverse Skill Set: Reveals a candidate’s versatility by showcasing various technical skills.
  • Problem-Solving Ability: Evaluating projects provides insights into a candidate’s problem-solving mindset.
  • Cultural Alignment: Reflects a candidate’s alignment with company culture and values.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Highlights a candidate’s ability to innovate and think creatively.
  • Continuous Learning: Shows commitment to staying updated through certifications and projects.
  • Bias Reduction: Reduces unconscious bias in hiring by focusing on the work itself.
  • Efficient Screening: Streamlines initial screening, saving time and resources.

How to Evaluate Technical Portfolios: Key Considerations

When evaluating technical portfolios during the hiring process, there are several key considerations to keep in mind to make informed decisions. These considerations help ensure that you’re assessing candidates effectively and selecting the right fit for your organization.

Here are the key considerations:

  • Relevance: Ensure portfolio aligns with job requirements.
  • Complexity: Assess project depth and technical complexity.
  • Documentation: Look for comprehensive project documentation.
  • Code Quality: Evaluate code samples for quality and standards.
  • Impact: Check for tangible project outcomes.
  • Role: Understand the candidate’s contribution and teamwork.
  • Problem-Solving: Assess problem-solving abilities in projects.
  • Innovation: Look for creative and innovative solutions.
  • Learning: Check for evidence of continuous learning.
  • Communication: Evaluate clear project descriptions.
  • Culture Fit: Assess alignment with company culture.
  • Feedback: Consider feedback or reviews on projects.
  • Consistency: Ensure alignment with resume and interview.
  • Additional Skills: Assess relevant supplementary skills.
  • Scalability: Evaluate adaptability to changing needs.

Evaluating Technical Portfolios at MultiRecruit

  • Automated Screening thru ATS: Use Multi Recruit’s automated features in the ATS to filter portfolios based on predefined skills and experience criteria.
  • Collaborative Review with clients and project managers: Enable team members to collaboratively review and rate candidate portfolios, making the process more comprehensive and less biased.
  • Integration with Interviews: Use portfolio evaluation to design targeted interview questions, thereby making the interview process more effective and insightful.
  • Feedback Loop: After a candidate is hired or rejected, document the portfolio evaluation process’s outcomes to refine and improve future evaluations.


A technical portfolio is a powerful tool in the IT hiring process, offering an in-depth view of a candidate’s skills and experience. However, effective evaluation is key. By considering factors like relevance, quality, documentation, and team involvement, hiring managers can make more informed decisions.

Multi Recruit offers bespoke IT recruitment services to make this IT hiring process seamless and efficient, thereby helping you find the perfect candidate for your IT needs. Happy hiring!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Are Technical Portfolios Important in the IT Hiring Process?

Technical portfolios offer a concrete showcase of a candidate’s skills, experience, and project involvement. Unlike resumes, which provide a summary, portfolios offer tangible proof of a candidate’s capabilities, making them an invaluable tool for recruiters and hiring managers in the IT sector.

2. How Can I Assess the Relevance of Projects in a Technical Portfolio?

To assess the relevance, start by comparing the technologies, programming languages, and frameworks used in the portfolio projects to the ones required for the job role you’re hiring for. Projects that align closely with your requirements are usually good indicators of a candidate’s suitability.

3. What Should I Look for in the Code Samples Provided in a Technical Portfolio?

When evaluating code samples, pay attention to the quality of the code, including its readability, maintainability, and efficiency. Good code should not only function well but should also be cleanly written and well-documented, making it easier for future modifications and collaborations.

4. How Can Multi Recruit’s Features Aid in Evaluating Technical Portfolios?

MultiRecruit offers automated screening features that can filter portfolios based on specific skills and experience. Its collaborative review feature allows multiple team members to rate and review portfolios, leading to more balanced and comprehensive evaluations.

5. Can Technical Portfolios Replace Traditional Interviews in IT Hiring?

While technical portfolios provide valuable insights into a candidate’s abilities, they should not replace traditional interviews. Portfolios offer a glimpse of what a candidate has done in the past, but interviews can further assess cultural fit, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal skills, which are equally important in IT roles.